Douglas County Spousal Abuse Attorneys
About Spousal Abuse in Georgia
Divorce is almost always an unpleasant experience for both spouses. When spousal abuse is a factor in the marriage and subsequent divorce, it can be traumatic for the abused spouse and their children. Every year, hundreds of thousands of incidents of domestic violence occur in Georgia.
Sadly, some of these instances prove fatal for the abused spouse. Domestic violence and spousal abuse are a serious matter and should be handled by only the most skilled Douglas County divorce lawyer. Attempting to speak with an attorney while living with an abusive partner should be done carefully.
Anyone that believes that they are still in danger of another episode of spousal abuse should not out themselves in harm's way. If it is financially possible to retain an attorney or move to a safer location immediately, it should be done carefully. It is best to not do anything that will upset the abuser as this could cause a dangerous outburst of domestic violence. Living with an abuser can be terrifying. In some cases, the abused spouse is so concerned with preserving either their own safety, or the safety of their children, that they do not reach out for help for fear it will cause repercussions.
Dallas Divorce Lawyer Serving Atlanta & West Georgia
Anyone that is scared to speak with an attorney for fear that they will be reprimanded should find a safe place to call an attorney, such as a friend's house, so that the attorney can then advise them on their best course of action. No one should have to live in danger of domestic violence.
The firm cares about their clients and works hard to aggressively protect their safety and rights. Those facing domestic violence issues should call the firm immediately so that they can be helped. Howard Law Group has many years of combined experience assisting those facing family issues such as domestic violence. They work diligently to protect their clients' rights and well-being.
Contact a Douglas County spousal abuse attorney from the firm immediately if you have been abused by your spouse.